suzuran kintsugi


suzuran walking through a field of flowers with a wistful expression. the colors and lack of clarity look as if it were a dream.

suzuran kintsugi
26-31 raen aether

suzuran smiling shyly with one hand tugging on her scarf. red triangles and a sketch of lilies of the valley accent the background behind her.



suzuran standing in her front yard during the afternoon, smiling, looking over her shoulder.







suzuran kintsugi

2s 5am, 1551 6ae




85 ponze


In a word, demure. She is often quiet and contemplative, but loves people and interacting with them. Her silence should never be confused with disinterest or dismissal, despite her shy, wallflower nature.Suzuran can most often be found reading, but welcomes interruption and conversation.She is particularly fond of nature. All flora and fauna are objects of her affections. As such, she feels a kinship with the Sylphs and Pixies. She also prefers floral and herbal teas to most other drinks.She has a bit of an inferiority complex, and while she only employs grace and mercy when dealing with others, she will stop at almost nothing to become as strong as she feels like she needs to be, to protect the lives of innocents and those she loves.Suzuran is Neutral Good.


Her signature scents are lily of the valley, Azeyma rose, and incense.Her favorite dyes are sylph green, snow white, and rose pink.Her aether is a delicate green-gold, with an almost indiscernible pink at her core, flickering gently like a campfire. Sporadically, it flashes a blinding white light, like a shard of glass.
 Suzuran does not possess aethersight.
She wears glasses and sports both Eorzean and Doman fashion. She enjoys making her own clothing.Suzuran is most comfortable as a Scholar and Conjurer. Additionally, she has experience as a Dancer and Reaper. She is currently training as a Samurai with her older brother as her sensei.She is not a White Mage. She does not possess a soul crystal, cannot hear Elementals, nor does she practice conjury as Gridanians do. Rather, she speaks to the Kami around her to cast spells. Similar to, but not quite the same as, Gosetsu in the level 90 Physical Ranged DPS role quest.Playlist.



Suzuran was born in the Kingdom of Doma to a family of ceramic artisans, whose home was a humble shop. Located outside of Doma proper, Kaorin was a small village nestled on a peninsula between rivulets and the coast, just north of Nagxia. She was raised here, alongside her older brother (Sousuke, ten years her senior), until the age of six.But this time was cut short. Conflict between her home and the Garlean Empire ended in scorched earth and bloodshed, and the war edged ever closer until it engulfed Kaorin all at once. Sousuke left alone to make a stand against the Imperials, as he was sixteen and skilled with the sword. And in one last act of defiance, Suzuran's parents hid her away within a small boat upon the river and pushed her out towards the sea. Sunburnt, delirious, and dehydrated, she was fortunate to be rescued by Mistbeard and crew after an untold time adrift on the ocean. Unsure of what to do with such a little one, the pirates simply returned with her to Limsa Lominsa.There, she was taken in and cared for by Baderon and Mytesyn of the Mizzenmast Inn. She was happy to help out around the docks and The Drowning Wench, most often tying knots and washing dishes. By her preteen years, her understanding of logistics and budding talent for magic caught the attention of the Arcanists guild, and she jumped at the opportunity. She had grown up alongside Baderon's tales of mercenary work, and was more than excited to begin studying and preparing to be an adventurer.After the Calamity, Suzuran was inclined to focus on healing magicks, and pursued those endeavors with an unmatched passion. She devoted herself to the study of Nymian faeries and medicine, eventually meeting and bonding with a fae named Lily.

in progress

  ( heavensward )
These events marked the first very visible, tangible loss of a loved one for Suzuran. For a time, despite herself, her heart was consumed with thoughts of bloodlust and revenge; a deep and unexpected hurt. She has done a significant amount of mourning and healing since, but she is ever fond of the time when she was hand-in-hand with a kindhearted knight.

  ( stormblood )
Suzuran reunited with her older brother and dealt with the resulting fallout. Following the liberation of Doma and the reconstruction of the Enclave, Suzuran and Sousuke made time to return to Kaorin. Though naught remained but ash and debris, they and the Shazenkai made an effort to restore the area, that it might be reclaimed by nature some day. As of yet, the land remains empty. A memorial garden can be found within the Enclave.

  ( shadowbringers )
Suzuran's time on the First, defined by feelings of failure and inadequacy, has deeply and irrevocably traumatized her and altered her physiology. Her hair fades to a translucent white. Likewise, her aether has lasting fragments of Light corruption and periods of stagnation. These troubles marked her move away from Scholarship towards Conjury, as her interrupted aetherflow made it difficult to maintain and support her faerie, Lily. She still generally refuses to speak about her experience on the First.
Upon her return to the Source, Suzuran grew unexpectedly close to Gaius Baelsar throughout the Sorrows of Werlyt.

  ( endwalker )
To find new avenues of strength, and to avoid further failure, Suzuran found power as a Reaper -- forming a pact with a Voidsent that agreed to consume any Light-corrupted aether.
Stopping the Final Days provided much-needed closure for her trauma, and at the end of it all, she regained her self-confidence; believing that she could continue to be a force of good.Additionally, the defeat of Zeromus and the machinations that went into that battle have eased some negative effects of her Light corruption - fostering a joyful reunion with Lily.

  ( dawntrail )
With the end of the world behind her, and having proper time to study, Suzuran was able to turn a once-weakness into strength -- her elemental tilt towards Light facilitating the unique cowling of Seraphism.
She also began training as a Samurai under the instruction of Sousuke; a way to reconnect with her brother and the martial arts of her homeland.



sadhbh in the void. she has extreme dark circles and a ruddy nose. she looks tired.

sadhbh of the thirteenth

  Avatar, Voidsent
  ??? years old
Suzuran's shard of the Thirteenth and pact partner. Sadhbh's memory is hazy, though she feels there was more to her life than the Void and hunger.
She is particularly lucid for a Voidsent, and she is very easily annoyed by strangers' suspicion of her and her motives. She has a melancholic disposition and is rather fond of Light-aspected aether.Suzuran considers her a close friend and trusts her unconditionally, however imprudent that may be.

sousuke ushinatta

  Sousuke quo Augustus of the XIIth Legion, Sousuke Kintsugi
  36-41 years old
Suzuran's older brother. Having survived the razing of Kaorin, he was captured and conscripted into the Imperial army at 16. Gifted in combat and command, he distinguished himself, and was subsequently adopted into the Augustus family. He rose through the ranks and came to lead a century of his own after 20 years of service.
During the events of Stormblood, he reunites with his long-lost sister. Though he does not join her, neither does he stand against her. This inaction prompted the end of his Imperial service, with further, lethal consequences avoided by begrudgingly electing to leave with Suzuran.He somewhat blames her for the loss of the life he'd built and resents her for it. Meanwhile, she feels betrayed that her brother would become an Imperial after what happened to their family and home. Their relationship is awkward and strained, but defined by mutual respect and a desire to make up for time lost.

khali at costa del sol. she's smiling.

khaliun hotgo

  21-26 years old
Suzuran's coworker. When they share shifts, she knows that Khali is going to ask her all about her adventures. Not that she minds at all.
They're cordial enough acquaintances, but Suzuran can't help but feel that something is... off.

non-player characters

Baderon Tenfingers & Mytesyn, her (unofficially) adoptive parents.Eynzahr Slafyrsyn, her initial savior and benefactor.Haurchefant Greystone, her former lover.Gaius Baelsar, her current partner.



A familiar face, Suzuran has spent a significant amount of time as a dockhand and bus girl in Limsa Lominsa, not to mention her station as a Maelstrom Captain, and has seen many travelers come and go by the sea. She might have briefly known merchants or artisans (and possibly imperial agents) from the Kingdom of Doma during her childhood (20+ years ago), or those from Kugane in recent years.A reliable healer, she is always ready to offer aid to those in need, even in high-stress and dangerous environments. If you appear before her with injuries, she will fuss over you.An avid reader, Suzuran will happily chat about any books she is currently reading, has read, or will read.A lover of flora, she will enjoy talks about plants, flowers, or any greenery in general. This also extends to herbs, spices, and teas. When visiting a venue, she will most likely be sitting by the planters or gardens, if she can.


Suzuran is my canon Warrior of Light, but will not often discuss the specifics of this with others. In the presence of other Warriors of Light, she will act as an associate of the Scions with the power of the Echo. She will get along with Warriors and adventurers alike.She (despite herself) is initially critical of those with imperial ties, and especially so with those stationed in Doma. While she might be uncomfortable and stiff, I am happy to rp with you! Suzuran is not me.Also, I'm a big weenie, so please approach Suzuran if you're interested in roleplaying with her!

